Increase Your Credit,

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Why Florida Credit Repair Company?

The Florida Credit Repair has been helping people like you repair their credit by updating inaccurate items for over a decade. Our commitment is to making sure that everyone has a fair shot at good credit. Founded by a team of credit law experts, Florida Credit Repair wants to make sure that everyone has access to the same information and can learn what it takes to build good credit for a lifetime.

How It Works


Talk to one of our

We’ll analyze your credit report. We’ll be looking for questionable items like collections, charge-offs, tax liens, judgments and late payments that may be hurting your score.




Choose the right
plan for you

A dedicated consultant will guide you through the entire process. You will receive a definitive action plan which will show you how to fix your credit scores



Start taking

The key to the successful removal of erroneous information is persistence and communication with your consultant. Stick with our system and enjoy an accurate credit profile again. Guaranteed!

Factual Verification & Identity Theft Services



What Is A Credit Score?

Your credit score is a 3-digit number between 300 and 850 that shows how creditworthy you are. Lenders use your credit score to decide whether or not you qualify for loans. They also use your credit score to determine your interest rate.

Credit scores are calculated using a 5-part formula, calculated based on the following factors: payment history, amounts owed, length of credit history, mix of types of credit, and amount of new credit.

What Clients Say

39 reviews on
Benjamin Hill
Benjamin Hill
I have been working on my credit for about two years and was not getting anywhere. After hiring Angelo and Justin to work on my credit, everything got done very quickly. They are very professional and experienced and they also have attorneys that work alongside them but for my case, we did not need to use them because it was all fixed in 1-2 attempts to the bureaus. Call FLORIDA CREDIT REPAIR! They are the best!
Jose Cooper
Jose Cooper
Florida Credit Repair is the best in the industry, they also have attorneys that work with them. I followed the rules of the FCRA as they stated, and my file was finished in roughly 2 to 4 months for all of the bureaus, and we had to take Transunion to court to have them remove everything because they just kept denying my dispute. I had items that were not open by me and I never got them removed when I tried. In the end we sued Transunion and now my credit is 100% fixed!
Noah Smith
Noah Smith
This company is very good at credit repair, they also have attorneys which I had to use to complete my process. Justin got one of the local Florida attorneys to take my case because Experian did not delete every item after the first two disputes. Equifax and Trans Union were done right away. They asked me detailed questions at the beginning to make sure they could take my file into litigation and at the end, all three of my credit reports are finished very quickly. Justin is very experienced, and he is the best!
Crystal H.
Crystal H.
I heard this company after speaking with Angelo, and he told me we are very good at fixing Credit, and he put me in touch with AJ who walked me through the process and I signed up. My file was a little complicated, but we only had to sue Equifax and Experian after two attempts, Trans Union took everything off, but those other two bureaus did not. Then my case was finished through litigation with a Lawfirm and we sued Equifax and Experian which only took 2 months. Overall, everything was done within 4 to 5 months and the repossessions and credit cards I had were all removed.
Samuel Anderson
Samuel Anderson
I hired Justin about three months ago and since then everything on my credit report is 100% cleaned up. Two of the bureaus were done in the first dispute he sent out, he did ask me a lot of detailed questions before taking my case because he works for law firms. And he advise mean how things should be done and asked me if I disputed anything in the past or hired any companies that could hinder the process. Fortunately, I didn’t let anyone touch my credit and we didn’t have to sue anybody because doing everything properly got the three bureaus to remove everything within 90 days.
Daniel Rizvi
Daniel Rizvi
Thank you AJ & Justin for the amazing work you provided! These people do very good work, please follow their guidelines if you want the repair to work well. They also have attorneys if needed for the process. I didn’t need any but I understand why you may need them if your results are not good. Very professional people here. Listen and don’t skip a step, once my paperwork was mailed, they removed everything in 2 weeks!
Shawn Rizvi
Shawn Rizvi
Justin is fantastic. These guys are legit credit repair professionals. I got a house for my family after their hard work. It was worth every penny. Just wish I had done this sooner.
Shawn Jaffer
Shawn Jaffer
These guys are amazing. I was skeptical but Justin delivered RESULTS and repaired my credit report and increased my scores over 80 points. The main thing is that it takes time so if you’re in a rush then it may not be for you. Patience and your gold. Thanks Justin!

Questions? We’ve Got You Covered

How does credit repair work?
Credit repair involves identifying and disputing errors on your credit report, negotiating with creditors, and practicing good financial habits to improve your credit score over time. It’s a process that takes patience and diligence to fix credit issues and boost your financial standing.
The time it takes to see results from credit repair can vary widely depending on the complexity of your credit issues and the actions you take. Some minor improvements may occur within a few months, but significant changes in your credit score can take six months to a year or more of consistent effort. Patience and persistence are essential in the credit repair process.
Yes, credit repair is legal. It involves disputing inaccurate or unfair information on your credit report, negotiating with creditors, and building a positive credit history. However, it’s crucial to engage in legal and ethical practices when repairing your credit. Be cautious of fraudulent credit repair schemes, as they are illegal and can lead to severe consequences.
Credit repair is the process of improving a person’s creditworthiness by addressing and rectifying errors, inaccuracies, or negative items on their credit report. This often involves disputing inaccurate information with credit bureaus, negotiating with creditors, and building a positive credit history over time. The goal is to raise the individual’s credit score, making it easier to access loans, obtain lower interest rates, and achieve better financial opportunities.

A good credit score typically refers to a high credit score that falls within a specific range. While scoring models can vary, a common range for a good credit score is typically around 700 or higher on a scale of 300 to 850. A good credit score reflects responsible credit management, making it easier to qualify for loans, secure favorable interest rates, and obtain various financial opportunities.

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